Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Helping crochet and knitting pattern designers navigate the ins and outs of running a fulfilling business, marketing their designs, and living a life they're passionate about.
Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Use Your Knit & Crochet Skills to Keep W NC Warm!
Hurricane Helene recently dumped a ridiculous amount of rain on western North Carolina: a mountainous region that is not used to hurricane weather. The massive amount of rainfall led to power outages, water lines breaking, houses and roads drifting into the lakes and rivers, and more. While my home wasn't touched, there are homes not far from me that were. And the worst of the destruction is just a 2-3 hours' drive from me.
Long story shorter: western North Carolina needs our help! The weather is getting colder, so I've started a project (called Keep W NC Warm) to collect handmade warm winter items to donate to folks affected by Hurricane Helene.
Get all of the information here.
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