Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Helping crochet and knitting pattern designers navigate the ins and outs of running a fulfilling business, marketing their designs, and living a life they're passionate about.
Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Increase the Perceived Value of Your Work & Learn from Kintsugi Pottery
If you are a creative entrepreneur, I really really hope you'll listen to this episode, because I think it's so important for all of us to be reminded of this over and over and over and over again!
This episode is a continuation of my series of diving into inspiration from other creative entrepreneurs and sharing their stories, wisdom, motivation, and work with you.
Today we are diving into Dan Pearce's Donkey Mud Pottery Studio. I've really enjoyed following his Instagram account for a few years, in part because of the way he showcases the value of his work.
First of all, we discuss Kintsugi, a Japanese method of repairing broken pottery pieces... and how it actually increases their value instead of decreasing it!
Then, we dive into a discussion of pricing and perceived value of any and all creative work. It's not just about the materials, expertise, and time that goes into a piece. Curious what some of the other components are? Definitely tune in!
I truly hope you find this episode to be an inspiring reminder of the value of your work, and perhaps it'll even result in some action, whether it's changing your prices, adjusting the way you talk about your work, or making tweaks to your audience base.
Whatever the case, keep seeking examples of what's possible and proof of your value as a creative, as well as the value of your work.
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