Pattern Design Circle Podcast

Making Time for Yourself While Achieving Your Goals

Jessica Brist Season 1 Episode 65

Even with the most thrilling job that you absolutely adore, even with the most exciting plans and goals, the human body needs breaks. And chances are, if you're reading this description and listening to this episode, you are living in a human body. What that means is: you need breaks. You need to create time and space for rest.

I feel like our society is currently facing a crisis of exhaustion, due to a number of reasons, including our hustle culture to constant keep pushing. To keep driving toward the next goal, keep working until we can't work any more. Our brains are tired. Our bodies our tired. We need rest.

If you're suffering from exhaustion and burnout currently, you definitely need to take breaks. And if you're not already suffering from it, you need to take breaks to allow yourself the space so you don't end up there.

If you're anything like me, no matter how exhausted you are, you get exhausted about all the new ideas, the possibilities, the things you can achieve.... and suddenly your whole month, quarter, year is crammed full.

Starting now, we aren't doing that anymore, ok?

Taking time for rest and breaks not only takes care of you - allowing you to feel better and show up better - but it also creates more space for creativity, for excitement, and for all of the amazing emotions you want to feel in your business (rather than dread and frustration and exhaustion).

In this podcast episode, I talk all about planning your year in a way that creates space for breaks and for rest. And not only creating space for it, but making it one of the top priorities as you're planning.

Feel skeptical about making the time and space in your own life? I totally feel you. Let's dive into the why and the how for your business planning.

This is the third of a series of podcast episodes all around planning in your business for the new year.

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