Pattern Design Circle Podcast

7 Business Lessons From a Mindless, Time Wasting Game on My Phone

Jessica Brist Season 1 Episode 49

Did you know the way you interact with the world in one part of your life can be indicative of how you handle other parts of your life as well? Apparently that applies to playing mindless games on your phone as well. Ask me how I know!

You see, I've been sick for the last two weeks, with not a whole lot of energy and minimal brain capacity for getting work done. Naturally, when I haven't been sleeping, I've turned to playing mindless games on my phone. When I'm not feeling up to much of anything, I don't feel guilty about it. But now that I'm feeling a bit better and it's become more of a time wasting, addicting, and procrastinating habit... well, I feel a bit different about it.

However, now that my brain is functioning somewhat normally and I've been getting back to work... I've started thinking a lot while playing this specific mindless game. And what I started thinking about was how I interacted with, perceived, and responded to the game.... And light bulbs (or perhaps, alarm bells) started going off in my brain when I realized: I've been approaching my business (and sometimes other parts of my life) the same way I've been approaching this little, pointless, time-wasting game.

And thus I share with you, in this episode of the Pattern Design Circle Podcast, seven lessons I've learned this week about my business and myself as a business owner, from a mindless, time wasting game that I've spent too much time (in my estimation) playing recently. Who knew a matching game and a knitting pattern design business could hold so many things in common?!

I hope this episode sheds some lights on behaviors that you might have in your business as well, and maybe you'll even find some things you want to change around a bit.

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