Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Helping crochet and knitting pattern designers navigate the ins and outs of running a fulfilling business, marketing their designs, and living a life they're passionate about.
Pattern Design Circle Podcast
The Solution to Overcoming Hustle Culture and Busy Work
If you're not familiar with the idea of Hustle Culture, it's this idea that we have to constantly be working hard, constantly working to achieve the next thing, constantly grinding, in order to be successful. And while I absolutely believe that we can have healthy spurts of hustle, I don't believe it's healthy to live in a Hustle Culture mentality. In this episode I talk a bit about Hustle Culture and how it can lead us to focusing on busy work rather than productive work, but more importantly in my opinion, I talk about ways that we can overcome this mentality. How we can have focus and intentionality so we can spend less time doing more impactful work, and still have time for family, relationships, and life outside of work.
I hope this podcast episode inspires you to have an honest look at your currently work mentality: are you just hustling and keeping busy, or are you doing meaningful, intentional work?
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