Pattern Design Circle Podcast

Choosing to Honor the Seasons of Business + Life, Leaning Into Them Instead of Working Against Them

Jessica Brist Season 1 Episode 45

Whether you recognize it or not, we all go through different seasons throughout life. If you don't like the term season, you might also think about it as themes or phases. Times when things just aren't the same as they once were. It can be for a variety of reasons: something changing within us emotionally, physically, or mentally; or something that's happened or happening around us. Whatever the reason, we tend to bring a different sense of priorities and energy in these different time periods. And this is true not only for life, but also for business.

In this episode of Pattern Design Circle, I discuss honoring those seasons such that we lean into them rather than working against them. There's something about this society that we live in that can make us feel as if we always have to show up in a certain way, but I don't believe that's true. I believe that we can acknowledge the seasons, the cycles, the ups and the downs; to honor them; and to work with them instead of against them. They can teach us so much about ourselves and about the world. They can show us new perspectives. They can help us to grow and learn. But only if we lean into them. I believe we're trained to work against them, but I encourage you to work with them, to learn from them, and to grow alongside them.

I hope you enjoy this listen, and if you aren't already, that you start paying attention to the seasons of your own life.

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