Pattern Design Circle Podcast

Ending the Year in Alignment + Intention - even if you feel like a failure

Jessica Brist Season 1 Episode 33

It's currently December, a busy season of life that can bring up a lot of negative emotions. We've created this expectation for ourselves that our life has to be perfect and all of our goals have to be achieved by December 31st, which can leave us feeling frantic and overwhelmed in an already hectic season. So how do you end the year - personally and in your business on a high note? In a way that feels good, aligned, and intentional? So you don't feel like you're scrambling to achieve all of the things, check of all the boxes, and prove that your year was "good enough."

In this podcast episode I cover all of that, and my goal is to help you reflect inwardly to know exactly what your focus and intention for this season is. December 31st is just a date, your life and your business are always a work in progress. Let go of unrealistic expectations, allow yourself to be human, and finish the year in a way that feels good, that feels successful on your terms.

Book a 1-on-1 coaching call to dive deep into your business with me.

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