Pattern Design Circle Podcast

One of the Hardest Episodes to Share - Changing My Mind (Again) & Life/Business Updates

Jessica Brist Season 1 Episode 84

I won't lie... I've been dragging my feet about recording (and sharing) this episode. At first, I had a sense of relief having spoken the words into existence... and then all the fears and imposter syndrome came creeping back in again.

Why have I been procrastinating on this episode? Three main things:

  • fear of folks thinking I'm a failure
  • sadness and guilt that I didn't give the past change enough time
  • perfectionism - wishing all of the new things were in place and perfect before sharing

But once I'd recorded the episode and thought about sharing the episode, I knew it also had to do with my own vulnerability. Would you think that I was too negative? Or that I was sharing too much from my personal life? Would you find it boring? And if any of those were true, would it mean I'm a bad podcaster? 

From the recent survey, I know you're looking for just straight-up tips and you aren't as interested in the way I talk about business - looking at all of the places for nuance, taking into account our whole life picture, paying attention to authenticity and passion, and discussing the reality of the ups and downs. But it's still a core part of my brand and who I am. And I still believe our deepest connection comes when we're willing to be open and vulnerable with each other.

Even though I guess it's been a while since I've really been vulnerable in my business. Sometimes there are experiences that knock you down and cause you to retreat a bit. They confirm some of your greatest fears and make you question things. And I've had several of those over the last few years. Experiences that have made me want to just give up on everything and move to a different industry entirely.

But obviously I haven't. There's still a fire and a passion in me, and a sense of work that hasn't been completed.

And as hard as it is to share this episode, I know I'll regret it if I don't.

In this podcast episode, I share a brief recap of what's happened over the past year (plus), both in my business and my personal life, to lead to some more changes here for Pattern Design Circle. And, don't worry, it's not all stories and gloom! There are new and exciting things on the horizon.

Start checking them out here:

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